30 December 2012

7 Days Personal Reflection Challenge!

In the coming days, I will be focusing on a bit of personal reflection. I'm liable to become an emotional wreck, but I know that in the end, I'll be able to look back on all of it and see how far I've come and how far I'm willing to go (and other such cliches about moving forth in life). Side note: All names in each of these reflections, outside of the names of my immediate family and/or professors, will be changed for privacy considerations. 

27 December 2012

Weird positions; bad situations

You ever think about how many sticky incidents you've had that could have been avoided by just a bit of forethought?
Yeah this post was only a question. I'm posting from my phone and want to talk to people about their life. :)

21 December 2012

Christmas and shit!!!

Winter is coming.... Well technically, it's already here, but what matters is the chance of snow and time spent with family and friends, time that I will probably spend drunk. This is a short post to just wish everyone a happy whatever holiday you celebrate! Merry Chrismachannukwanzastice to you all!

Yvonne Santos

04 December 2012

Music as cure

Recently, I started writing again, and it's been very therapeutic for me. Music in general is what I use to either combat my everyday demons or enhance a wonderful feeing. When I'm feeling less than my regular self, I write or listen. When I feel joy, I write or listen. When I'm feeling in the mood...for cake, I write or listen. So my habits aren't new, but my work itself is.
Looking at past works, I was always so angst-y and depressed. However my recent work is of an even tempo and is, for a change, "normal." Maybe I should have people use and reject me more often. It gives me a dose of reality that I need to make me feel a little more human.

01 December 2012

From where did the name "Yvonne Santos" come?

This is a very short post.... Enjoy that, because it doesn't happen often. Haha!

So, I was recently asked why my nom de plume was Yvonne Santos. For those that know me, it's very easy to guess where the first part of this name hails (since it's my actual middle name). The last bit might be slightly confusing. My great-grandmother, Nina Santos, was Portuguese and immigrated from Cabo Verde to The Gambia, where she met my English great-grandfather. She kept her last name, but passed his on to all of her children. I thought that rocked. What woman at the turn of the century would forgo taking their husband's last name? I'll tell you who. Awesome women! And my gran was one of them. I just combined my middle name and my gran's last name to create my second name. Simple. Yay!