19 October 2014

The first month in the great, white North...and musings on the fat self.

If you didn't know (which most people didn't), I've moved back up North. I'm working for a nonprofit in a small city. Don't worry. I'm still a hot mess.
So far...everything has been great. My job, and the children I work with, bring me a sense of happiness I didn't know I could experience. I love my apartment and my coworkers. 
All of this is lovely. It just has to be ruined by something, yeah? It is. I've got a freaking crush. 
I was expecting to come here and be happily single. I thought I was at a place in my life where attention, whether it be from men or women, was unnecessary. Now, I find myself flustered and anxious more so than is normal...but I like it. 
I enjoy seeing this person. I smile every time I'm facing them. I crave their attention and nearness. I fantasise about stealing small touches because we don't want everyone to find out. I find myself hoping that they like me as much as I like them...but I know they probably don't. 

(This is about to turn into a post about self confidence and self doubt, so be warned.)

I know, from lots of experience, that most people do not prefer women of my size and body type. At least outwardly they do not. There are still others that just fetishise women of my size/body type. It always gets a bit creepy when you can tell that someone is just into you for your body. I never know whether to take it as a compliment, or slap them in the face. Jk. I know exactly what to do. Always slap them in the face. 
I try to stay positive about myself, but I can't help but wonder, how would my love life change if I were five sizes smaller? Would I be happier? Would every person that I find mentally and physically attractive find me so as well? How much heartache would I be saved from people outright telling me that I'm too fat to love? The answer is, it does not matter. My life is the way it is, and I have grown because of it. I will not wish to change it.
It takes a bit of courage and willpower to not spend all day thinking like that. It also takes a bit of a wake up call. You are not special. Every single person wants to change something about themselves or their body. Every single person worries about whether or not someone will reject them because of something they see as a flaw. Every thought you have about your outward appearance, thousands of other someone else's have had the same thought before you (and at the same time as you). 
You are not special...but you are wonderful and unique in your own way. You are beautiful and, ok, you're even a bit special. You might be super talented at guitar. You might be hilarious as hell. You're probably the best at whatever you think you're the best at. (You play that bagpipe, Ian...or whatever your name is!) the point is you are special for reasons outside of your worries and physical appearance. 
I know, it will get difficult to love yourself every day, all the time. As you can see, I'm struggling with it myself right now. However, you have to remember that you are worth what you are made of. You're worth the stars! If someone doesn't find you attractive, that's their loss. You move on. Know that they were not worthy of your brilliance. One day, someone will enter your life right when you need them. They will see all of the light shining from you that other's before them failed to recognise. 
I'm learning that. I'm working on being content with loving myself. If my crush doesn't like me, oh well. I'll just enjoy the feeling of childish nervousness while it lasts. :)

Peace, Love, and Four Part Harmony!

27 July 2014

Fat women, body positivity, and me.

I got asked by my little (big) cousin why I post so many fat women in my body positive tag on my personal tumblr. What about the skinny and average sized women? Well, that answer is a simple one to give.


All bodies are beautiful. Believe me. Honestly though, it took a while for me to get to that point. Since my preteen years, and probably even before that, I felt that my body wasn’t beautiful and that I would never be worth love when I grew up. Up until about four years ago, I tried to hide myself away in frumpy, baggy clothing so as not to bring attention to my “disgusting” body. No girls or guys ever saw me as attractive, so I didn’t give myself the chance to see my beauty. I just spent time cultivating this kick ass personality, picking over food in public, and trying to get smarticle because that was what was going to set me apart from all the other people. Yeah….
Then 2010 came around, and I chopped all of my hair off. It left me in a vulnerable state, but helped me look at myself grow along with my hair. I started to feel more confident in not only my looks, but in myself as a human being. However, I was still a little iffy about my body weight. Then around the end of 2010, I just said “Fuck it!” I started wearing dresses and more heels and generally feeling like if you don’t like my body, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a good goddamn!”
However, it wasn’t until 2012 that I finally stopped wanting to pressure myself to lose weight completely. That’s when I found tumblr (🙌) and met this community of fat, empowered, gorgeous women who kick ass, don’t give a shit about taking names, and lift each other up on a daily basis. Here was a group that I could physically and emotionally identify with (that had nothing, and sometimes everything, to do with my race). It was the best thing to ever virtually happen to me!
Our body type is not (popularly) shown on television, written about in books, or sung about on the radio in a positive light. We’re generally the butt of the joke and never given the love and respect of skinny/average sized women. It’s not their fault, it’s just what’s in style. Fat women on tumblr gave me the opportunity to view women just like me and know that despite what most of society outwardly thinks, I’m so fucking beautiful and desirous!
You might think finding yourself beautiful is shallow, but consider this. When a person, who has spent their entire life (that may be hyperbole) thinking that they’re unworthy of basic human dignity because people have told them so countless times, finally takes it upon themselves to eschew that notion…is that not revolutionary? Is self love not acceptable when it isn’t practiced by those you find beautiful? When it isn’t for the consumption of the masses?
My body is beautiful. I accept it at any size it is. Your body is beautiful. It protects your wonderful spirit. You should love it, and yourself, unconditionally. Every body is beautiful. Shape, colour, or size, it’s an appetiser for the eyes…or some shit like that.

13 July 2014

Dream Journal 13 July 2014

It started out that I was in a quadruple feature movie with a friend. There was and advertisement during the movie for zombies that were wanting to stay fresh and presentable for dates. It was for a blood douche for your lady bits. And there were scenes of raw meat on the screen around her. I found it, the ad, in bad taste because I didn't think zombies and humans wanted to be reminded that one was hungry for their flesh and the other would slaughter them at anytime to protect itself. Then, somehow, I was married to Cha Seung Won*, and we were actually blissfully happy. Though, I think he had a problem with alcohol. He had a fashion show to do, and then he came to meet me at train station/auto repair centre/shopping mall thing. He got off the train, leaving all of the other models there. I helped him get to the bathroom. Then I was talking to this woman. She was saying how "beautiful that guy was. Was I his personal assistant?" I told her no, that was my husband. And the disbelief didn't show on her face, but malice and disbelief were clear in her eyes. He didn't come out of the bathroom for about thirty minutes, so I went into the men's to find him. He wasn't there, but when I came back out, the woman said "Maybe he left you." But he was drunk and wouldn't have driven. So I went back in to search, but he still wasn't there. When I came back out, there was a drug bust. The fish sellers in this market/train station were drug smugglers. But still no sign of my husband. I was left standing there with the most devastating sense of heartbreak. (I have a fear that people are going to leave me, especially those that I love, so I tend to not show love and try not to get attached.)

My question is, what is my subconscious doing?!

*Cha Seung Won, for reference.

13 April 2014


I've never paid much attention to the passing of time, but with the passing of my older cousin, I'm starting to feel a certain weight pressing down on me. My cousin was 53, just two years older than my parents are right now, and died of a heart attack. Granted, my aunt passed two years ago to cancer; however, I think it was the sudden nature of his death that shocked me to this point of awareness. Her death came after a long period of preparing for the worst, but his death, there was absolutely no warning. Our time on Earth is not guaranteed, nor is it unlimited. I'm getting older, I'm not that much wiser, and time is running away from me like Usain Bolt. I need shot.

02 April 2014

And here's Aisha with the news...

I got a job. The end. 

(I'll write more about it later. Know that it is an amazing opportunity though!)